I am sure that that sudden flood of comments on these are some type of attempt to stall bids on these...I have posted all info..included pics of tags and interior of glasses, if you like them, great, if you don't, move on. It is amazing to me that on a site, where it is like getting something for free, that some people think they are going to try and start crap. I am not interested in crap! If a person likes an item, they like it, I have gotten things off here that come from the dollar store, so what.(these did not by the way!) these are great glasses, I am not trying to mislead or deceive anyone! If you feel so compelled to try to put down my auctions, I will block you, it matters not to me. I do this because I enjoy it and don't need drama queens or kings to fullfill some void in my life.maybe you need that but I do not.
If these are something you like, enjoy, if not, my life will not end.
Pay close attention...they are D&G..they retail for $60...I know what they cost...you don't like them, don't bid, don't worry yourself with it...I' m not sure what you purpose is but I am an honest and trusted seller.