Free: A Pulled Thread Lesson for Beginners Designs by Gloria & Pat - Needlecraft - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: A Pulled Thread Lesson for Beginners Designs by Gloria & Pat

A Pulled Thread Lesson for Beginners Designs by Gloria & Pat
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(c)1992 12 pages


"Welcome to the world of Pulled Thread Embroider! Whether you are new to cross stitch, new to linen techniques or an accomplished needlewoman, this leaflet is designed to provide you with projects to challenge and delight.

"The basic techniques presented here can become your most useful tools for creating gifts, accessories and heirlooms. Nun's stitch is a permanent edge for many things; needlecases, bookmarks, even table linens. The Four Sided stitch can be added as a border to almost any design for an elegant touch. Chain stitch is a way to finish small ornaments and pincushions, but it can also be used on something as large as a 10" pillow. Algerian Eyelets add a lacey effect and are very traditional, and wrapped or plain Herringbone adds texture.

"It is a good idea to practice the techniques on a small piece of 20 ct. linen before you begin your project. Not all of the stitches presented here are "pulled", but those that are, we have tried to give an indication of the correct tension. The stitches that are not pulled are here for your enjoyment and to introduce you to the alternatives to framing your needlework creations.

"Most of us begin to cross stitch on Aida. At first we enjoy simple flower or animal designs, cute sayings and personal gifts. Then, we move on to linen and suddenly it is not just cross stitch anymore. Once you begin to cross stitch on linen you are doing "counted thread embroidery". By counting "up two, over two" to make the basic cross stitch, you are taking the first step toward counting threads as you stitch. This leaflet will take you even farther, teaching you to count threads for a variety of fun, easy, elegant stitches."
Questions & Comments
Greatt auction! Fanned and bidding, please fan back ;)
Feb 18th, 2013 at 4:31:00 PM PST by
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Feb 18th, 2013 at 6:11:37 PM PST by
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
Bid - F&W!!
Feb 20th, 2013 at 12:57:26 PM PST by

A Pulled Thread Lesson for Beginners Designs by Gloria & Pat is in the Crafts | Needlecraft category