no i didnt give you an issue over the purse i fell in love with that purse i even offered to pay you shipping when you had it free shipping what do you mean i gave you issues on the purse i gave you awesome feedback told you i would be back to your auctions and offered to pay you shipping, the only ting i did on the purse was tell you i would not click got it before you sent it, and no one would do that with a new seller! I like you guys and all the stuff you put up here look at what i wrote above all the todays gabble, im back i love your stuff so i dont know what issue i gave you over the purse i actually felt bad because i don't think people bid what you's deserved on it remember? thats why i offered to pay for shipping geez maybe it was a mix up dude its all good maybe i saw 5 in a line somewhere else if so i apologize, you had a picture with all 5 necklaces lined up it was the very first picture and now the picture is gone, maybe it want you, i mean you have a common name theres alot of johns in the world lol, now i hope i get an apology from you because i gave you no issues over the purse i love it, i just would now click got it when i didnt is all =)....Forgive me? sheesh...Friends? i hope because i do like your auctions
well just to say they do deliver fast and she is a good person, i am sorry about the mix up i am not out to make enemies nor would i want to mess it up for someone like you's it's brutal out here in listia land sometimes lol we got--sta stick together not rip eachother apart lol ...For all of you bidding just like i said on the feedback, i am her first feedback, i said bid on her stuff its awesome and you shipped that so freakin fast, so just to let everyone bidding know , she is an awesome seller and shipper!!! Okay hopefully this is over and forgotten! What just happened? j/k lol BID BID BID PEOPLEEEEEE =) Good luck with the auction!!
lol one im a girl and 2 im sorry but yes i did get agrivated because both of the auctions there was some kind of issue im just trying to get a good reputation so i can earn more credits and if you keep telling people to outbid you because i did something wrong like "give away a gold necklace" that i never had or "that im not answering u but i am everyonr else" its gunna make it so people dont want to bid that was the issue
and i did bid 2223 look to the right of your page my last bid =( i really hope someone can explain this to him because i really am no liar and it really bothers me to have someone that i like and have been supporting thier auction from the start, saying and thinking i am a liar i am not at all like that =(
i dont think you get this john i did put 55,555 in but no one bid against me thats why i offered you shipping money, maybe you just don't understand the way it works yet, but i did bid 55,555 on it but the others stopped bidding against me and it ended at what it did look im sorry you seem like your getting angry i made a mistake i apologized and again i will apologize i am sorry maybe someone else that your not so mad at can explain people can bid 1 million and if no one bids against them it won't count i am sorry to make you mad it wasnt my intention i already said it could have been another john and another auction, And most definitely you should have gotten more for that purse, i lose alot too doing this sometimes again i am not going to go on sorry to upset you i hope someone can explain the way the bidding works because i most definitely put the 55,555 in and they stopped going against me at 12,000 thats why i offered you shipping cause i felt bad, sorry and god bless
I don't think theres a way you can delete a pic, but I know listia doesn't even allow you to change original listing in any way, especially after theres already a bid They will only let you add to original posting :) Great Auction!! & Welcome to Listia!!!
actually u wanted someone to out bid you on the purse cause u said i wasnt answering you when in fack ur daughter had messed up and it wasnt even me and i never had all 5 necklaces lined up so once again you are wrong it was someone elses i have all the picturers of the necklaces right there thats all the pics i took it just seems a little rude when 2 times you tried to get others to out bid u for something you were wrong about thats all
what is ur issue u gave me an issue over that purse too u can clearly see there are 5 necklaces there and i did not update the pictures so u must be mistaken i am not gunna just take a pic out and put a new one in listen to how crazy that sounds if u did not want them u shouldnt have bid on them i dont even own a gold necklace and this is very rude of u to do this to me twice i honestly should block you from further purchases if u are gunna keep proceeding to blame me and say i took one of the necklaces out and replaced it with another i unlike some people have morals and what u bid on u get why would i put a gold necklace up there and then take it away what i put on here are things i no longer want thankyou very much
if i win i will just ask for credits back, you had a pic of all 5 of them up here when i bid on these at first , and that was the mail reason i was bidding, if its not going to be what you first put up i do not wish to win this anymore so just keep them if i win and i will ask for credits back, no sense in wasting your shipping money