now my min pin pack of 2 would try to eat it but not my jack Russell he loves little dog beds by the heater floor vent spoiled rotten all 4 of them I also have a fiest she is like a rat terrier on steroids
lol no they sit by the their dog treats jar when they r thinking that ;) my chihuahua (first & last!!!) would be more likely to chew this up! But he's a boy so this wouldnt work him..
ooo this is cute! Nice Auction!! I'd def claim this but :( its a little to small for my 2 spoiled pit bull rescue's! Those horses barely fit in my queen size bed with me!! lol
Very cute! I have a new dachshund puppy so this would be perfect! Baby Isabella needs life saving surgery but doesn't weigh enough yet nor is she old enough...F/W