The British versions use British spellings, e.g., "flavour" vs. "flavor." I have also heard that some British idioms have been "translated" into American English.
*drools again* I swear, if you keep posting this I'll be convinced that you're trying classical conditioning on me. I *still* don't have enough credits, but hopefully my pesky buyers (as much as I love them, some of them are taking ~FOREVER~ to respond for ~DIGITALLY SENT~ items, which makes no sense) will let me have my credits.
ROFL!! inkthirsty I hear you on "Classic Conditioning" heh heh. My tiggers are Peridot and
Your still waiting on buyers of digitally sent items?? I destest waiting..on something like that. I'm praying that you receive your credits soon Sweetie!! Blessings to you and hugs too!~~~~~
That is fantastic that you have two UK editions! I actually like the UK editions better than the American Editions..I will be certain to check out your auctions! Blessings Cookiemann~~~