The listing, LOT of Old Computer Games 97-08 (160 different games) has ended.
Many games including:
The Sims (deluxe edition) w/ expantion & Sims 2/
X-men 1, 2 & 3 / Guild Wars / Final Fantasy 7
Sim City 4 / Wizardry 8 / Resident Evil 3
Galactic Civilizations 2:Dread Lords
Need for speed: Most Wanted / Civilization 4
Star Wars Battlefront 1 & 2 w/ bounus star wars movie
Star Wars : Empire at War / Aliens 2 : Shooter
1944 Battle of the Bulge / Sonic Mega collection plus
Harry Potter and the Goblet of fire / Battle Mages
WarHammer 40K : Dawn of War
WarHammer 40K : Dawn of War : Winter Assault
WarHammer 40K : Dawn of War : Soul Storm
WarHammer Online : Age of Reckoning
Mech Commander 2 / Mech Warrior 3 & 4
Battle over Europe / Chicken Little / Xeno Assault 2
Prince of Persia : Warrior Within / Ultimate Spider-man
Call of Duty 2 / Cabelas Dangerous Hunts 2
The Chronicles of Narnia / Sudoku, Unlimited Edition Land of the Dead : Road to the Fiddlers Green
Fallout / Fallout 2 / 2006 FIFA World Cup
Sudeki / Cossacks: Back to War / Space Rangers 2
Obs Cure / Brothers in Arms : Road to Hill 30
Ford Street Racing / Hamster Heroes / Mortyr 2
Rouge Trooper / Robots / Urban Extreme
Deep Fritz Grand Master Deluxe / Salvo
Nancy Drew : Last Train to Blue Canyon / Jeep 4x4
Big Mutha Truckers 2 / Brats Rock Angles
Scooter War3z / Conflict Vietnam / Curious George
Crime Life : Gang Wars / The Loona Base
Forgotten Realm : Demon Stone / The Day After
Golden Age of Racing / Grand Theft Auto : Vice City
MX vs ATV Unleased / Rugby Challenge 2006
SAS Anti Terror Force / Thief 3 : Deadly Shadows
Urban Free Style Soccer/ Glider / Tribes 2
World of WarCraft / America's Army : Special Forces
Plus 83 Others , Email me for the rest of the list. This is all that would