If you see text for this pattern or images being sold online using the titles, of Booty bag, Bootie bag Pattern or Denim Jeans purse or Denim jeans tote. Please let us know as this is a direct infringement of copyright and why should people be scammed into buying it when we have it for FREE!!
the problem with these DIY auctions is that the seller covers themselves by saying if you dont read the description that too bad, I wont refund ur credits. Some sellers such as this one supplies as little as possible about the item and bidders believe they are bidding on an actual item, when in fact they arent. If you see the letters, DIY in the title......beware!!! it can also be found on the web for free..........
doesn't say that~ u have give all information when u sell stuff on here~ that means instructions must be in your desciption of what you are selling!!!!