I have gone round and round with the PO - if the envelope has any sort of bump, it cannot go for one stamp, price goes up to .66 or .89 plus .90 for tracking (they have a new designation, but I forgot what it is) - I have mailed one oz pieces of ribbon that barely thicken the envelope and they never go for one stamp - I tried just dropping it in the box but my buyer got a postage-due which upset both of us. Another problem, these stickers will not fit in regular envelope, so I need to use a small manila envelope which costs me 16 cents so .16+.90+.66 (or.89)= 1.72 or 1.95 Now I try to be fair and seems I have goofed here and I will lower the S&H fee to 2.00
Yea your right might bump up and then they charge parcel which is 2.07 first class what if we don't want tracking? I don't use the tracking number any way. I just wait for it and it will come lol.
See I don't include my supplies cost in my shipping. I add tracking so I don't get scammed. If they don't want tracking then fine if it doesn't get to them not my problem and I'm not refunding credits ya know lol.
It's going to be more then 2.00, it's 2.07 for parcel which is what they will charge you plus tracking is .90 so 2.97 or without tracking 2.07 I do it all the time lol.
that's why I like tracking, you can see it work its way SLOWLY across the US - I mail in Portland OR and it stays here two days and then moves across the river to WA and stays there a couple of days - but at lest I can see it is being scanned in and out of various PO's
I am too. I'm usually making up the difference. That's why I go to the post office have them weigh and let me know how much it's going to cost to ship.
I like using the automated machine too - you can weigh and price and then back out if you want to - - - but most of all I like printing a label from PP
For some reason their scale isn't working right I go in to weigh and and I hit parcel and it doesn't work and I can't put the full zip so I have them do it. They all know me well.
the automated machine won't do certain types of mailings and then I have to get in line - I hate the lines - used to think I was a patient person, BUT I AM NOT