. . FYI . Your auction appears to be for an item that will be "Digitally Delivered" by email or Listia message but doesn't have the "Digital Delivery" option selected for shipping method.
..> EMAIL / LISTIA MESSAGE or some other non-physical delivery method -- correct shipping method: DIGITAL DELIVERY
WHY IS THIS IMPORTANT? Listia has changed how search results are generated and it will be more difficult for folks to find your auction and bid...
Details Here: http://www.listia.com/support/topic/delivery_options And here: http://blog.listia.com/2013/02/25/lets-get-digital/
NOTE: If you primarily access Listia via a mobile device you will need to use the MOBILE BROWSER to access Listia.com to make that change.
NOTE2: You can EDIT auctions that have no bids and UPDATE auctions that do have bids to change the delivery option... Look in the "Delivery Options" section...
You shouldn't need one since it is only a few simple steps...
However, I won't promise any warranty. I have done this for over 15 of my friends, and I have given instructions to many people who have been able to do it over the phone. I will send instructions, but I can email you back and forth until it is jailbroken :)