I can't believe I actually have the charger for this particular DS. I went looking cause your DS looked like the first one I bought my son along time ago n I a found the old system n the charger. so I'll probably be bidding now! u have some great auctions!
its ok..believe it or not its actually VERY common for people to do! And usually I dont get a response when I ask so ty :) sometimes it frausterates me lol. HOWEVER if its being shippied ups or fed ex or something then yes it IS more but reg usps mail its the same!! :)
Well my apologies, I was under the impression shipping would be more... Ignorance on my part sorry. I will take your word for it and do free US shipping.
May I ask why Hawaii is charged in shipping? Shipping does NOT change if you were shipping here or to any other state as long as you are shipping usps (flat rate shipping is even better) so I just dont understand that.