i have one of these. it does not have wifi. you download books to your desktop pc from the sony ebookstore to the sony pc software for this item. you then use the provided usb cord to connect the computer and reader and the software does the work of transferring books to your reader.
you can however, once you have established an ebookstore account, read your purchased content on other devices such as ipod, ipad, android & desktop, etc.
also the model # is PRS300, go to sony website and look it up for further details & specs.
I don't know that it would work with Kindle program but I do know that it has it's own program through sony and it's cheaper than amazon I will take a picture with it on please be patient
If you look at all of my auctions what is in the picture is what you get I am not here to cheat people The only reason we don't need this anymore is because we got the google nexus 7 and have no use for it anymore it was my husbands and he take VERY good care of his things
Can you tell me exactly what this gadget is for or what it does? I am kind of not in the loop of all this new technology coming out. I just got use to using a computer (desk top) and now I am trying to get use to laptops! LOL!!