F & W I haven't been on Listia long either. Everybody has been so helpful and they have taught me a lot. I really appreciate all their help. Most will always try to help you so you will do better on your auctions !!!
you'll get the hang of. Don't worry. Bosashell10 gave you some very helpful info. I can help if you have any questions also. I remember when I first started as well. Before you know, it you will be an ol' pro at this.
When you set up the auction, there is a box at the bottom to set a minimum amount to start the auction..... up to 499 is free. After that they start charging a fee. Hope that helps you!
Thank's everyone......i'm a "newbie" so looking forward to getting on track. Your input helps. i have SO much stuff to list. Question? If I need to charge shipping, does it automatically go into mt Pay Pal acct?
Oh Boy! I see what happened. The thing is, now that you have it listed and people are bidding, you have to go with whatever bid wins.....I too, have learned how to use Listia the hard way...hope it goes higher for you!