Free: In honor of***AUTISM AWARENESS MONTH***2 Brand New Autism Books!!! - Nonfiction Books - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: In honor of***AUTISM AWARENESS MONTH***2 Brand New Autism Books!!!

In honor of***AUTISM AWARENESS MONTH***2 Brand New Autism Books!!!
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The listing, In honor of***AUTISM AWARENESS MONTH***2 Brand New Autism Books!!! has ended.

In honor of Autism Awareness Month I decided to list these two brand new Autism books:

1001 Great Ideas for Teaching and Raising Children with Autism or Asperger's, Revised and Expanded (soft cover $24.95)

Winner of Learning Magazine's Teachers Choice Award, the first edition of 1001 Great Ideas has been a treasured resource in the autism community since 2004. Now, in this expanded edition, Ellen Notbohm (best-selling author of the revolutionary book Ten Things Every Child with Autism Wishes You Knew) and Veronica Zysk (award-winning author and editor of Autism Asperger's Digest magazine) present parents and educators with over 1800 ideas try-it-now tips, eye-opening advice, and grassroots strategies. More than 600 fresh ideas join tried and true tactics from the original edition, while many ideas pick up where the first edition left off, offering modifications for older kids, honing in on Asperger's challenges, and enhancing already-effective ways to help your child or student achieve success at home, in school, and in the community.
Louder Than Words: A Mother's Journey in Healing Autism (hard cover $23.95)

With a foreword from Dr. David Feinberg, medical director of the Resnick Neuro-psychiatric Hospital at UCLA, and an introduction by Jerry J. Kartzinel, a top pediatric autism specialist, Louder Than Words follows Jenny McCarthy as she discovered an intense combination of behavioral therapy, diet, and supplements that became the key to saving Evan from autism. Her story sheds much-needed light on autism through her own heartbreak, struggle, and ultimately hopeful example of how a parent can shape a child?s life and happiness.

We are a smoke free home. We have a dog, but she doesn't smoke either ;)

Feel free to share about your wonderful ASD children/siblings/relatives/friends below!
Questions & Comments
my son is 15 with aspbergers and i need that book!! hes only been diagnosed a few years, some days are stressful, some days r a blessing :) and im very glad the dog dont smoke either...b sure to talk to her about cat nip tho'
Apr 8th, 2013 at 11:46:44 PM PDT by
Boys in their teens are tough to handle even when they don't have aspergers LOL. I can imagine you must have your hands full when he gets in those teenage hormonal fits. I'm not looking forward to teen years with my kids either LOL. Very funny about the catnip! My dog is more of a beer kind of girl haha ;)
Apr 10th, 2013 at 12:28:35 AM PDT by
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My daughter,Becky will be 43 in May...she is Autistic....follow your instincts and use common sense in deciding what guides to follow.If I had listened to the so called experts I would have put her in an institution when she was a child.....instead,I followed my heart.Don't focus on the future,go one day at a steps will get you there the same as giant ones.Aim small...achieve great things.
Apr 12th, 2013 at 3:47:11 PM PDT by
I totally agree with you! At one long term facility that I worked, we had a severly PDD 57yr old male come in for the first time because his parents who were in their late 70's were too old to continue to care for him. He had lived with them for his entire life, and it broke their hearts that in their old age they just physically couldn't do it anymore. He was pretty much the only patient there who wasn't put in that facility since birth. I really admired them for going against what doctors had told them and that they provided him a loving home for all those years. Doctors are not the final answer and as long as you listen to your heart you can't go wrong. Thanks for sharing about your daughter!
Apr 13th, 2013 at 7:02:25 AM PDT by
This looks like an awesome book to read
My son is 9 with pdd and autism thankyou for posting this book
F and w
Apr 13th, 2013 at 5:45:20 AM PDT by
Thank you for checking out my auction and for fanning! Best of luck if you bid :)
Apr 13th, 2013 at 7:18:46 AM PDT by
Please check out my other auctions!
Apr 8th, 2013 at 5:24:43 PM PDT by
I am mom to a wonderful 4yr old girl with PDD-NOS and I am a pediatric nurse so I have a very special place in my heart for all ASD children. Though it has been difficult at times working through her sensory issues, I feel that my life is more rich and I am a better person because of my daughter. She is a joy :)
Apr 8th, 2013 at 5:27:44 PM PDT by
I have two brothers with Autsim. One is mildly Autistic and one is severaly Autistic. The joy the bring to my life is like no other. I currently help my almost 30 year old brother with sensory and other skills like reading comprehension. Fanned and watching these may be books I could use to broden my knowledge and help me as well as help them! :))
Apr 8th, 2013 at 6:39:57 PM PDT by
2 brothers with autism? What are the odds of that?! That is great that you are helping your brother with his sensory skills and reading comp! I'm sure these books could definitely give you some new ideas on how to help your brother(s). Thanks for sharing about them. They are lucky to have a sister like you :)
Apr 10th, 2013 at 12:22:15 AM PDT by
*Autism, *They
Apr 8th, 2013 at 6:51:13 PM PDT by
:) darn typos. Too bad listia won't let us edit our posts.
Apr 10th, 2013 at 12:23:31 AM PDT by
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
i have a 16year old severly autistic son and would love to read these books!
Apr 9th, 2013 at 9:40:37 AM PDT by
Thanks for sharing! These books were well recommended so I'm sure they can help even just a bit. It is always nice to hear a fresh perspective :) Best of luck bidding!
Apr 10th, 2013 at 12:33:02 AM PDT by
My son is 13 with autism
Apr 9th, 2013 at 3:22:51 PM PDT by
Thanks for sharing and checking out this auction! Good luck if you bid and have a great evening :)
Apr 10th, 2013 at 12:35:04 AM PDT by
I have three nephews who have Autism and one neice.It is rare in females. My own daughter has Asperger's Pray god for your blessing and someone learn from the books. Flagged you. May god guide you to right bidder
Apr 12th, 2013 at 8:52:06 AM PDT by
Yes it is less common in females. My daughters class was split 60/40 boys to girls which is pretty even considering there are usually more boys. Good luck if you bid! God bless you and your family :)
Apr 13th, 2013 at 6:56:51 AM PDT by
i just had a thought, and hopefully its ok to share, if not i understand if u take me away :)...but alot of us can benifit from these books, only one of us will be lucky, if im not lucky, im going to the library and look for them. im still hoping to get them lol....but i just started taking my son to the library and he is loving finding books on the things he enjoys, and he has been spending alot of time reading and telling me about what he's reading...
Apr 12th, 2013 at 9:34:24 PM PDT by
The library is definitely a great resource! So many books and so much knowledge at your disposal. My kids love to pick out their own books there and they really love the eduational sign language videos that we can rent. Some people may not have a library close to them or may have a hard time getting transportation there. Those people may prefer to actually own the books because of those reasons. I know personally, that I like to take my time and highlight when reading and library books don't allow for that. Maybe the winner can relist once they are done reading these if they don't want to hold on to them? Thanks for checking out my auctions and good luck if you bid :)
Apr 13th, 2013 at 7:11:12 AM PDT by
I have a 4 1/2 yr old boy and 3 1/2 year old girl both with autism. I'm interested in one of the books but the jenny mccarthy one is nauseating. Having these two wonderful blessings in my life has taught me many things. I have a 13-yr old girl who is just fine and she wants to someday be a speech therapist or work with children with autism. I also have a 6 month old, and she will be a blessing no matter what the Lord decides for her. I love my children and the lessons the give me more the ones I can give them!! :)
Apr 13th, 2013 at 3:54:13 PM PDT by
LOL at Jenny McCarthy comment. Maybe you will like the other book then? That is great that your older daughter wants to work as a ST or with ASD children. I bet she is wonderful with your middle 2 children! God has definitely blessed you with 4 wonderful kids :)
Apr 15th, 2013 at 9:25:33 AM PDT by
i agree about owning the books!!! i love it so i can reread and reread :) god bless all of us....
Apr 13th, 2013 at 10:04:46 PM PDT by
Yes definitely! Have a wonderful day :)
Apr 15th, 2013 at 9:26:08 AM PDT by

In honor of***AUTISM AWARENESS MONTH***2 Brand New Autism Books!!! is in the Books | Nonfiction Books category