watcher 39....... F&W i as well need watchers so please click on my name or visit my auction link at
Watcher #41; best of luck to you with your auction/badges. Thanks so much for coming out and watching my auction. If I could trouble to you come and watch my other auction for "pick any movie" that would be greatly appreciated. please feel free to advertise your watchers auction on mine aswell. Goodluck!
fanned and watching, #14 make sure you get your address verified before the auction ends. that might help bidders feel better when bidding. hope that helps
44 I LOVE THIS STUFF! Watching until the end! Please return the favor as I am going for my badge too :) Thanks so much ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ My auction is at
Watching, please watch mine for me.. have to watch til the end for it to count.