Free: 12 Organic Heirloom Seeds PUMPKIN ON A STICK Plant Ornamental Rare - Gardening Seeds & Bulbs - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: 12 Organic Heirloom Seeds PUMPKIN ON A STICK Plant Ornamental Rare

12 Organic Heirloom Seeds PUMPKIN ON A STICK Plant Ornamental Rare
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The listing, 12 Organic Heirloom Seeds PUMPKIN ON A STICK Plant Ornamental Rare has ended.

Pumpkin on a Stick has been delighting gardeners for more than 125 years, and goes by many names. Some call it Pumpkin Tree or Pumpkin Bush, because of the sturdy, long-lasting branches set with large purple thorns. Others call it Mock Tomato, because it really does resemble a heavily ribbed tomato, especially when the fruits first turn from green to scarlet. They won't get their pumpkin-orange tones until they begin to dry out. .origin in Southeast Asia. But whatever you call it, you must grow it for indoor bouquets and arrangements all autumn long!

The plant itself is very attractive, well-branched and upright, reaching 3 to 4 feet high and 2 to 3 feet wide. It boasts handsome, very large foliage that protects the clusters of 2- to 5-inch fruits from sunscald. After the insignificant blooms pass in mid- to late summer, the fruit appears. At first it's pale green and nubby. But it quickly achieves its pumpkin-y shape, then turns rich, deep scarlet. This persists into autumn, when the first chilly weather begins to turn the scarlet to orange. Within a week or two, you have it -- pumpkins on a stick!

A single plant will yield dozens of pumpkins-on-a-stick!

The seed is easy to grow. It can be direct-sown when the weather warms up in spring, but for best results, begin it indoors about 6 weeks before last scheduled frost. Your Bio-Dome is the perfect seed-starting system for Pumpkin on a Stick, because it gives you better control over the temperature and humidity level. For germination, a warm temperature (70 to 85 degrees F) is best. The seed will germ within about 2 weeks, and can be transplanted when it has at least two sets of true leaves and nighttime temperatures are consistently above about 55 degrees. Space the plants about 3 feet apart, to leave plenty of room for the dangling fruit!

You will love this ornamental eggplant, and it is certain to become the talk of your gardening circle. Have fun dreaming up new ways to use the fruit!
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Apr 23rd, 2013 at 6:07:44 AM PDT by
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Apr 27th, 2013 at 5:06:44 PM PDT by
Apr 28th, 2013 at 6:18:19 PM PDT by

12 Organic Heirloom Seeds PUMPKIN ON A STICK Plant Ornamental Rare is in the Home & Garden | Gardening | Gardening Seeds & Bulbs category