I'm wondering if you have any of these, hope the list isnt too long lol. If you do, let me know which and whether you would sell them or not.
- Black Luster Soldier-Envoy of the Begining - Dark Paladin - Dark Magician - Dark Magician Girl - Dark Magician of Chaos - Any Exodia/ 'of the forbidden one' pieces - Exxod Master of the Guard - Exodia Necross - Forbidden Lance - Tour guide from the underworld - Slifer - Obelisk - Stardust Dragon - Black Rose Dragon - Number 11: Big Eye - High Preistess of Prophecy - Mist Wurm - Pot of Duality - Red Gadget (LCYW) - Any Ghost Rares - Jinzo - Crush Card Virus - Mirror Force - Polymerization - Red Eyes Black Dragon - Red Eyes Metal Dragon - Red Eyes Zombie Dragon - Red Eyes Zombie Metal Dragon - Tri Horned Dragon - Gate Guardian - Destiny Board - Swords of Revealing Light - Gold Sarcafogus - Blue Eyes White Dragon - Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon - Blue Eyes Shining Dragon
any time you got rare cards let me know I will try to take them off your hands to help out and I'm a collector as well do you still play the game or just collector also?:)