Here to repay the very kind favor! What a great auction, this buttons are so very true!! God bless you my friend and good luck with your badge as well!!!
Watcher # 207 ... (already a fan). Please feel free to steer a few people my way, I have a "watchers auction" going on and I would love to get a new badge or two. :)
Watcher 194 till the end! Tag me if you need to do another watchers auction and stop by my NuWave cooktop, Watchers auction. I'm going for my next badge. :)
Whooo hoooo im getting closer 191 watchers only 309 more to go in alil more then a day awesome thx everyone thats helpin me plz ask you're friends n family i will rtf thx
#188. Thanks for watching mine. Watching yours too. Anyone else want to help me get my 100 watchers badge? Thanks so much.