Fanned and watching... Please check my auctions out... 2 Silvertone rings, a pair of Real 14KT Gold Fresh Water Pearl Earrings, and a Real sterling silver bulldog charm... Looking for watchers and fans!
Fanned & watcher #48! :) Could you please do me a favor? I need fans & watchers for badges! Please check out my auction: Feel free to post your auctions there as well! *I WILL return the favor! :)
Watching till the end ;) need "100 watchers" on mine will return the favor -100-watchers-needed-deus-ex playstation 2 game
#60 here to pay it forward and watch till the very end! thx for the help with my auction as well! :) all:please see my watchers auction (stuffed mary kay mesh makeup bag) going for the big 150! thx in advance!
please come by and do the same on anyone of my auctions.. i have several and still adding as I clean out a room and find all kids of cool little Treasures I am hoping to get more watchers on my disney dollars but you can choose their might be something you would like as well..