's way cool, you could wear it with that teeny pencil skirt you have been dying wear and with the white frosted lipstick, John Lennon bottle cap glasses, tube top and that favorite pair of knee hi Nancy Sinatra go-go boots, the white leather ones that I love to and your mom hates........and guess what I get to wear......?
lol. you hit gold with that bag.. LOL i used to go to yard sales and buy costume jewelry and dresses and outfits and take them to some queens i knew and they would always buy it u.
black gold, texas "t" the next thing ya know of Jed's a millionaire the kin folk said, "Jed move away from there, Kale-for-ney is the place ya otta be"! So we packin up the truck and were movin ta Bever-lee Hills that is Swimmin Pools, Movie Stars...........