thanks for being my first watcher :) love your profile pic i've got the pink camo browning seat covers floor mats decals in/on my truck (must be a carolina girl thing lol )
Youre welcome.LOL thanks alot that is really cool yea i think its a carolina thing maybe jus a south thang, we're really big into fox racing also (: its all over my truck.They have the pink real tree camo sheets and compforter set at cooks flea market in winston salem they are beautiful if only i could talk my hubby into sleeping with pink sheets haha.Are you on pintrest?
I seen that comforter set @ Gander Mtn in Greensboro its awesome...I do have pintrest but don't get on there much I do have a YouTube channel I don't have many videos up maybe 6 or so its craft stuff I'm always trying something new. I have a shop on etsy also its CuteCraftsbyAlyssa got to many things going at once but its. fun :)
Fanned ya and watching - my watcher's auction is for a Cricut Cartridge at: