I love your pic. Is he a pet of yours? I use to actually have a pet rat named "squeekers" who I bought at a pet store. I use to feed him whole sandwhiches. He was so great and loving and CLEAN and cute but oneday he bit me pretty hard and always bit a little after that so my mom took him away. Anyways, maybe you could throw in another amazing little make up item if I win. He he. That would be so cool of you!!!!
This isn't a picture of mine. I have two females, Meesha and Verooka. I've never been bitten but then again I handle them a lot. It's important to make sure your hands are clean with no scent of food because they can't see well. I agree, they are very clean. As far as extras... This is already a free new item and free shipping... These compacts aren't cheap when purchased at retail. Good Luck