I absolutely love rocks and crystals so I know I'd love if you keep listing. I just have one request, could you maybe take pictures with better lighting, maybe even outside in the sun. I'd like to bid on these but I can't really see them very well. Also maybe could you put a coin in the pic to see the size against something. You know what I mean.
And hey obviously you like rocks and crystals too, would you be interested if I put a couple herkimer diamonds up that I mined my self, I also have some celestite I mined as well up here in New York. I live about an hour and half away from herkimer. And the celestite is from Chittenengo falls.
I have crystals from other places as well that I've mined. If you or anyone you know is interested. Not trying to be your competition at all, just thought you might be into it. I travel around the country mining crystals for fun! I've dug a lot in Montana and Wyoming. And go to the Tucson gem show every year. If you are looking for any crystals in particular, let me know. Chances are I probably have what your looking for. I hope to one day do this for a living.
Sorry I'm an idiot. I just realized you do put coins in the picture and I'm just stupid! Lol. I'm def fanning you! And will be bidding in the future I'm sure. I'm really debating on wether or not to bid on these. I'm just running kinda low on credits at this moment and time.
Cool! I don't really post my crystals on listia really, I don't think I'd get enough credits to satisfy me really. Because I tend to have super nice crystals and crystals don't go for nearly enough here. Maybe we could talk about doing some trades though, I'll private message you my email. And I'll put up a couple things if you tell me what your favorites are! I also make jewelry, using gemstones, if your into jewelry, I've got an etsy (I also don't really post my jewelry one here really, not that I'm not into doing trades or anything. It's just I put a really nice piece of jewelry on here once that the stones themselves were worth load of money and I only ended up getting 100 credits and free shipping, had I not mined these crystals myself I would have lost tons of money. I mean I guess I did cuz I could have sold it for hundreds of dollars. But at least I didn't pay for the crystals, just the silver.)
I did write more in this message. But I don't want to blow up your comments so I just copied it and I'm going to paste it into a private message. Along with my email address ok. Glad to have a new crystal buddy!!!
Thank you! I also am glad to have a new Rock and Gem friend! I know what you mean about items going too low. Too many people just don't realize what they're worth!