"Seller DID ship the item. However, it was not ... " (more) mailed as a package, but in a regular standard envelope, so it was torn and the item missing. If it had been packaged correctly, I'm pretty sure it would have gotten here safely, but who knows. Maybe not. Either way, I paid for an item, I didn't receive."
Apr 29th 2019, 9:36:50 AM PDT (almost 6 years ago)
"Rude sounding message about not receiving i ... " (more)tem but did not bother to ask for a refund which I happily would have given. And still would. Instead she criticized the way I mail and sounded like an attacking message. Highly suggest better communication instead of meanness. "
Apr 29th 2019, 7:21:26 PM PDT (almost 6 years ago)