"Seller states they sent my item this morning wit ... " (more)h tracking but didn't provide tracking number and also refunded my credits after sending my item? Little fishy. Really wanted these for my wife. If seller sent, unsure why she refunded my credits.... Oh well........ "
"Rude, and a person is only as goo ... " (more)d as their word. We agreed on shipping on a later date. He checked my listings and saw that I shipped someone sooner than him and got upset even though we agreed on shipping out later due to funds. I wouldn't recommend this listian. "
"I still need your address, I' ... " (more)m sending this tomorrow, I got some cash, I appreciate the feedback but I don't want to take credit when it's not yet due. I would never let you go without getting your item and I put in a couple extra things for you for the delay. But please message me your address. "