"Omg ms harrington,,im sitting here i ... " (more)n tears because you sent me a beautiful new serger that i never would have been able to afford,,you lifted my spirits ,,,what a wonderful gift and wonderful angel you are,,thanks so much,,god is good and so are you,,,thanks so much"
Apr 17th 2015, 9:32:46 AM PDT (almost 10 years ago)
"You know, there are just those momen ... " (more)ts when God whispers in your ear and say's " DO IT". This was one of those time and I am so pleased it made you happy."
Apr 17th 2015, 10:06:53 AM PDT (almost 10 years ago)
"i got it Ms. Harrington...they traced it and ... " (more)redelivered it to my front door this morning...thanks so much and i am saving for the embroidery machine now :))))) God Bless U and your Full House :))) full of smiles :)))"
Apr 14th 2015, 11:05:41 AM PDT (almost 10 years ago)