"love it, fast shipping although I was a bit d ... " (more)issaponted to find out the bran is 'voice' and I was told that it was forever 21; also small stains near pocket but got them out. thanks!"
Oct 25th 2012, 11:27:08 AM PDT (over 12 years ago)
"forever 21 is a store dear. I bought ... " (more) it at forever 21. I don't fib about stores :) I'm surprised about the stain because it's new! sorry!"
Oct 25th 2012, 11:41:36 AM PDT (over 12 years ago)
"You were an awesome bidder and defin ... " (more)itely one of the nicest and most pleasant people ever! Thank you sooooo much!! I will try to keep up with your auctions too! fanned and following!"