"Got this just now and I'm in love :) it ... " (more)39;s gorgeous! The darker stones actually turned out to be dark blue sapphires which I'm thrilled about! I love sapphires ;) thank you so much for such a wonderful listing!"
Dec 26th 2014, 3:46:12 PM PST (about 10 years ago)
"I got the seeds thinking they were sepa ... " (more)rate but they weren't they were all over the the package and wet and I don't even know what is each seed but I will take this off if you give me 3000 coins by the end of this week."
"I had them separated, sorry if they g ... " (more)ot mixed up, I've never had them do that before that's how I ship all my seeds, if you asked I could of told you which were which,"
"Awesome Listian - With beautiful penmansh ... " (more)ip btw. hehehe. So many seeds for such lovely flowers - I cant wait for late winter to start them in flats indoors so I have the seedlings ready to go late spring. A very generous Listian - sent a good bit more than what I won. Thank you so much!"