"This doll is amazing! Can't wait to go ... " (more)shopping for a pretty new outfit for her to wear :) Now if I can just keep my grand girls away from her haha..."
"I do not understand what went wrong with t ... " (more)his dispute I contacted the buyer and he never responded automatically went to dispute I don't know. I don't understand why he even gave me a neutral response when I'm not the one that did anything wrong I'm not a bud I am a ma'am my name is Paula"
"Buyer is a Mayzine completely understand a ... " (more)bout my car troubles and the fact that I'll get bus here in Bakersfield it has on strike was allowed me to get this out to her very understanding A+ A+ A+"
"seller never made any contact with me .I dis ... " (more)puted auction and lost which I do not think was fair seeing that seller did not do what ws asked to do and was still awarded credits."
"It's really not fair to say mean thing ... " (more)s about people but I was having some family issues at home I didn't check my phone 24 hours a day so I didn't get the message that she'd won it till the next day and the next day she disputed the shipping is listed I don't understand but neutral is neutral. "