"OHHHH!!! I am so happy it came!!! I was ... " (more) getting worried. I hope she loves it. Awesome bidder and wonderful person. Was so nice to meet you!!!"
"thank you for fast service. i got it.i love peo ... " (more)ples such as your self to come on y page and the one,s that donn,t want to do right needs to keep on going and again thank you and and have a great new year kristiephilbin 7."
Dec 28th 2012, 1:48:24 PM PST (about 12 years ago)
"Thank you for your awesome feedback! I ... " (more)feel the same bout bidders like you! I am so glad you like them and they got there fast. Take care and have a wonderful New Year."
Dec 28th 2012, 7:23:41 PM PST (about 12 years ago)