"Had problems with the item but this seller was ... " (more)great about refunding my shipping and even offered to refund my credits. A+ seller who went above and beyond! Thank you. "
"Never recieved. She never answered my messages. ... " (more) I requested refund and got it after she never replied. Then after I got refund she said her computer crashed and was not able to get my address from the auction."
May 26th 2014, 4:18:57 PM PDT (almost 11 years ago)
"I did message the winner but my compute ... " (more)r crashed before I could write down their address and I wasn't able to contact them in time before they did the refund."
May 26th 2014, 8:28:52 PM PDT (almost 11 years ago)
"Buyer no longer wanted this item after ... " (more)i had to extend the shipping date a week to do a sudden health issue with family member. But the buyer was kind. This item has been relisted."
Apr 8th 2014, 10:49:14 AM PDT (almost 11 years ago)
"Im still soo sorry about all of this. I ... " (more) wasn't able to come up with the extra money to send out the ipod, refunded the credits to the winner. I will be sending back out their $5 in 2 weeks when I get my paycheck, I spent $2 of the $5 for packaging. I wasn't fully prepared for this auction."