"thats becouse she changed the price sev ... " (more)eral times first 9 dollars then 11 dollars then 11.35 and every day the shipping got more and more but never told me just sent me an invoice to pay more money this person just wasn't honest but I won my case thats all that matters"
"Buyer thought I was scamming with the shipping co ... " (more)sts- why would I scam anyone for just a couple bucks?! Please, if you can't shell out the shipping then maybe you shouldn't be buying such frivolous items. I made a mistake, I didn't add the packaging to the weight $2. more and she's tripping."
"Great watch came today very fast shipping t ... " (more)hanks so much , but I did not know it needed a battery but that's fine ima going I get some today thanks again
Jullian P. "
Oct 24th 2012, 12:40:06 PM PDT (over 12 years ago)