"Bidder/Winner Was Very K00L Through Out The Au ... " (more)ction...So I Sent Him A Virus. No Good Deed Goes Un Rewarded...hahaha...Thnx! Enjoy The Virus."
Feb 6th 2013, 3:36:35 PM PST (almost 12 years ago)
"Likely THE BEST Seller on Listia! A real cla ... " (more)ss act. Honest, TRUSTWORTHY- Ridiculously NICE and just AWESOME...Look Kids, Do yourselves a favor & BID on his goodies! :) 1 Happy Customer {Plus, He's real easy on the eyes!! ;} Wink! Thx Again Web!!!!!"
Jan 10th 2013, 4:49:27 AM PST (almost 12 years ago)
"Its Users Like Natey That Keep Me Here...Howev ... " (more)er, Natey Is One Of A Kind. Cute As A Button, A Pro Seller, Pro Bidder...Tsk...I Could Go On, But You Would Think I Had An Agenda...She Is Worth Xtra Effort When Deaking Folks. Trust Plus...! "
Jan 10th 2013, 3:19:00 PM PST (almost 12 years ago)
"The Buyer Waited TWO WEEKS for item due to an ... " (more)addressing error on my part. He was so very K00L and Patient...Awesome Guy...ENJOY The Norma Jean Card...! (Marilyn M)"
Dec 14th 2012, 2:37:51 PM PST (about 12 years ago)