"Hi I left as many ppl as I could an update t ... " (more)hat my computer crashed now 2 times in one week and prior to that my moms paypal was put on hold for some BS. I still plan to ship this to you if you still want it and have the credits reversed back once you recieve it. But I have no computer of my own to use right now til mine is fixed I have to send it to Dell repair shop and they said it will be 2 weeks before I get it back. I also am waiting til MArch 1st to get my SSI to get ppls stuff shipped. I tryully apologize but my computer and my moms both crashed so we had to borrow my aunts for now which is very slow and older. Please let me know what oyu wish to do complete the sell or just forget it and move on. ""
Feb 19th 2010, 5:42:54 PM PST (about 15 years ago)
"Sp sorry didnt get it out to you have been r ... " (more)eally just stressed and going through some crazy ***** I hope you will bid again when i have things more situated and caught up. If you like to still get the bikini I can get it out next month for sure do or die lol and will send oyu an invoice to pay the shippig again. Sorry"
Mar 14th 2010, 5:09:27 PM PDT (about 15 years ago)
""Thanks for bidding I will get all of o ... " (more)yurs you won shipped out asap please give me a few more days from today got to get some more money im waiting on :) ""
Feb 5th 2010, 11:43:19 PM PST (about 15 years ago)