"There are things I really love about living, ... " (more)things that make it worth the price and when I may get to thinking like George Bailey that It'd be better to have never been born I'm reminded how sad I'd be to have missed out on your art, your beautiful mind. Thank you!"
"LOVE everyday! You not only like my work ... " (more), you understand. I hope to make more reasons to keep loving every moment. You are alive! The wonder of living and loving and creating. You give me hope. <3~STAIN "
"Very nice. Cute hat to keep someone one's ... " (more)head warm this winter. Taking it to shelter tomorrow with others I've won or brought. Thank you so must, excellent workmanship, A plus for this awesome seller."
"I loves it absotootely! Thank you for enrichi ... " (more)ng my life and sharing your beautyful vibes. We're all blessed as you ripple through eternity. "