"Not as discribed, the "few tiny holes" ... " (more); are actually 21 not so tiny holes, I only found one that was tiny, the size of the end of a ball point pen, the biggest hole is the size of a pencil eraser, we are going to try to sew up the holes cause my daughter really likes the sweater, she's 11 so no big deal, holes in clothes aren't important. I'm not happy but also not willing to "spend" anymore on this sweater, and yes even though it was free, it cost cash to have the stuff to list to get the points, complaining because if she had said several holes about the size of a pencil eraser I would not have bid. I have read her feedback and I see that most of it is good, and yes my other feedback for her is good, cause good is good, but on the flip side, bad is bad, and this item was BAD; o /"
"I got the keyboard today, hooked it up but ... " (more) it didn't work, but she did say she didn't use it and i should have asked her to hook it up to see if it worked. so I call that a draw."