"Despite saying all items are kept in plast ... " (more)ic and away from smoke, all three items REEK of cigarettes. I donate to my cancer center and these will have to be thoroughly washed before I can even think of donating them-if at all possible."
"Despite saying items are kept in plastic a ... " (more)nd away from smoke, all three items I won REEK of cigarettes. I donate scarves to my cancer center and these will have to be thoroughly washed before I can even think of donating them- if at all possible."
"sorry you feel this way. i have had no ... " (more) compllaints before. ty. you can add vinegar to washer if you feel they smell. i have removed mold smells from xlothes this way."
"Despite saying that items are kept in plas ... " (more)tic and away from smoke, all three scarves REEK of cigarettes. I donate scarves to my cancer center and these must all be thoroughly washed before I can even think of donating them- if at all possible. "