"Nice. About to play it right now; I'm l ... " (more)ooking really forward to playing this, seeing as strong female protagonists are hard to find, and Platinum Games can't miss (Okami, Wonderful 1). I hear great things. Thanks again for the great game--let me know if you ever do any more auctions. A+++ x2."
Oct 24th 2014, 12:46:35 PM PDT (over 10 years ago)
"Awesome let me know how you like it, I d ... " (more)on't have any Wii U games yet so that sounds like it may be a good first one before smash bros :) so glad you're happy with my service thanks for helping keep me in business!! "
"What a wonderful seller, definitely a go to for l ... " (more)istia auctions! I highly recommend them for fanning. Extremely nice and I enjoyed talking to them every step of the way. Fast and great service. c:"
"Yay!!!! I'm so happy to hear you lov ... " (more)e it and the extras!! :) Christmas coming early = Win! Wonderful, sweet buyer, pleasure to work with, come back again!"
"Awesome!!! I'm so glad you're ha ... " (more)ppy, that's the best feeling ever! Thanks for your bid and being wonderful to work with, hope your lil one loves them too! :)"
Oct 23rd 2014, 12:47:35 PM PDT (over 10 years ago)