"I am giving you a positive feedback because you ... " (more) did get this to me, but I have to say it was misrepresented, as it is not a necklace. it is a string of beads. A necklace has a clasp on it so you can wear it. It is very pretty though and I do like it. I will just have to put my own clasp on it. I do recommend that you describe your items as accurately as possibly or you will likely end up with negative feedback. I am giving you a positive because it is very pretty, and I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt that you just didn't word the add right. Every one has that problem from time to time, and I want to be fair to you. Have a blessed day. Judy L<><"
Jan 5th 2012, 10:17:27 AM PST (almost 13 years ago)
"Seller never responded or sent item. I g ... " (more)uess they didn't get as many credits as they were hoping for so they figured - "what the heck - I just won't send to this winner and then I'll relist later and get more credits". Well beware bidders - if the bid doesn't go high enough they probably won't send this bracelet to you...and I'm sure it is going to be listed again...as soon as this negative response is forgotten. Sellers should be suspended when they don't follow through on their auctions. ;( Bad Seller."
Dec 31st 2011, 2:11:34 PM PST (almost 13 years ago)