"Omg. These are amazing. My grandson grabbed o ... " (more)ne and stuffed it with Dinosaurs. This seller is the very best and has become a very dear friend. A+++++++++"
"Wahooo I'm so glad they worked good for y ... " (more)ou! Thank you for using the GIN and leaving feedback immediately. Looking forward to seeing you again :)"
"Thanks SO much! It's here! I forgot to ... " (more)look yesterday bc the mail came late. Thanks for the extras also. You're the best!!! Great seller. A+++"
"Your so very welcome. Thank you very much for ... " (more) using the GIN and leaving feedback immediately! I'm so happy you liked everything. I look forward to seeing you again soon :)"
"I love this seller. She is just the absol ... " (more)ute best in every way there is!!! Her kindness is only a measure to her generosity. She is a truely, profoundly, good person, decent person."
"I am truly humbled by your sweet & wonder ... " (more)ful feedback. I am speechless and don't know what to say....so I'll try, Thank you so much! I'm so happy you liked everything."
"Absolutely fantastic buyer!! So genuine and k ... " (more)ind. I am honored to have such a great buyer like you. Thank you for your wonderful feedback. I look forward to hearing from you again soon sweetie :)"