"dude life happens. i went to county jail for ... " (more)7 days because officers are above the law in this country. have some dam patience dude i cant believe people on this website that take someone with perfvect rep and trash it over something so stupid as this. you even had your credits refunded. what happened to me what out of my control.
"thats so ate up look at my feedback til you. ... " (more)i apologize for taking a long time i had LOADS of real life problems to deal with and its so ate up u couldnt give me some time to send u this great game for so cheap. whatever guy"
Aug 28th 2011, 11:57:14 AM PDT (over 13 years ago)
"i apologize brother. i had to be away for a ... " (more) few days, this was my bad i didnt have the opportunity to ship this really until now and its been so long im just going to hit refnd tell me if u stil want me to ship it anyways tho i owe uthis.
i hope u can understand. something had to be taken care of in my life."