"That is no problem i just wish you would have to ... " (more)ld me that way i would not have felt as if i was ignored. I do accept your apology and your concern thank you "
Sep 23rd 2011, 10:26:03 PM PDT (about 13 years ago)
"Keri... I am so sorry. As I was on my way to ... " (more)the post office I stopped off at the atm and left ur package on the machine. I went right back and it was gone! With high hopes someone would just drop it in a mail box I thought it may come back to me since i hadnt put postage yet. I have ur address. Ill make u another one no chargs...and bigger. 18 mons.if u want. I feel baddddd im sorry."
Sep 22nd 2011, 11:40:27 AM PDT (about 13 years ago)