"Awesome! I am glad it is. :) thanks for being ... " (more) awesome and you are so very welcome. :) I hope they make dress up days and Halloween a blast. :) "
Aug 18th 2014, 11:22:34 AM PDT (over 10 years ago)
"THESE ARE just AWESOME, wonderful and ... " (more) beautiful!!! I CAN'T NOT express how much I love them!!! <(@ ̄︶ ̄@)>They ARE amazing! A++++++++++++++++++++++++++++! THANK YOU sooooooo much MY sfam! <(@ ̄︶ ̄@)>"
"So ARE You!!! <(@ ̄︶ ̄@)>You ARE ALWAYS ... " (more), ALWAYS so,so AWESOME and supportive! And that means the world TO me! <(@ ̄︶ ̄@)>THANK you MY beautiful sfam!"
"I just love it when you make these! ( ... " (more)*¯︶¯*)I love every last one u have made/SENT me! THANK you so,so much MY wonderful sfam!!! (*¯︶¯*)I appreciate u more than I could ever SAY! (*¯︶¯*)"