"It is time to some people in United States to ... " (more)understand that PUERTO RICO is a free state of United States and the shipping cost is the same as any state in US because we use US Postal Service. Yes, we speak english and spanish, yes we have Burger King, yes we also have Sears, JC Penny and we know who is Obama. Also we can be Army Veteran and defend the freedom of United States in WAR, like me. I really feel I was discriminated against by this seller. So WATCH OUT THIS LISTIA SELLER!"
May 11th 2012, 3:58:58 PM PDT (almost 13 years ago)
"Watch this bidder! She bids on items that clea ... " (more)rly state shipped only in US (she lives in Puerto Rico) & will insist you ship then reports she didnt get the item & gets the item & her credits back!"