"She didn't provide me with an email addre ... " (more)ss so I could send her an invoice. I told he I was moving, so time was critical. Not sure what she expected me to do."
Sep 30th 2011, 12:55:48 PM PDT (over 13 years ago)
"She didn't provide me with an email addre ... " (more)ss so I could send her an invoice. I told he I was moving, so time was critical. Not sure what she expected me to do."
Sep 30th 2011, 12:56:59 PM PDT (over 13 years ago)
"Don't let the sweet grandma and baby pic ... " (more)fool you! That's not who you're dealing with.Played me for 10 days, saying she'd sent money. I could have relisted this had I known. I'm moving this week, and don't have time now."
"Neutral left for me? He backed out on paying ... " (more)me the shipping charge, thought I'd send these free. His last seller had the same trouble with him. I'd suggest blocking this guy before he tries to get something for nothing from you!"