"Very Disapointed ! Seller never sent my ... " (more)item. Just strung me along for 15 days with excuses. Definitely someone that CANNOT be TRUSTED! BUYER BEWARE!!! "
Jan 26th 2017, 5:55:34 AM PST (almost 8 years ago)
"So I had an emergency and I am just seein ... " (more)g this I already got negative feed back however I do not care about lista over my sons life sorry for your inconvenience "
Jan 26th 2017, 10:10:23 AM PST (almost 8 years ago)
"Arrived great, just have to get a ne ... " (more)w x box 360 lol. The one my friend gave me doesn't have a port for the kinect. But im excited to try it. Thank you."