"Great buyer, unfortunately she never recei ... " (more)ved item I mailed. It was no fault of mine or hers.. Assuming it was lost in the mail Because it was mailed quite awhile ago. Sorry she did not receive! ❤️"
"Garrett, I'm so sorry! I had a similar ... " (more) problem this week and have since bought a new postage scale! Can I mail you a check to compensate the shipping? "
"Kinda poor quality.. Was not in a padded ... " (more) only a standard envelope, but was slightly ripped from being so bulky. Also it came requiring $1.56 in remaining postage.."
"Glad you received! I had one returned to m ... " (more)e yesterday because it said I did not put enough postage!! I weighed it and everything! So that persons will go back out today!! "