"I got the socks today. I hoped they wou ... " (more)ld be in better condition but they are stained. I will be bleaching them and hopes they come out cleaner. remember to post everything about them. not only brand or style but condition and marks as well."
Jan 17th 2012, 12:33:09 PM PST (about 13 years ago)
"I noted they had been worn. That does not ... " (more) mean new. No holes, no fiber tears, some minor stains, but then they are soccer socks, and I do note they were worn twice. One would think that if worn twice, a minor stain or two would be evident. Please feel free to return to me -- with delivery confirmation and I will gladly refund your credits. "
Jan 17th 2012, 3:32:22 PM PST (about 13 years ago)