"BEWARE ,caught him in one lie right after an ... " (more)other and He NEVER shipped the item.Just a big waste of my time.Block him and NEVER bid on his items.I should have known better with his many neutrals."
Apr 23rd 2015, 11:24:04 AM PDT (almost 10 years ago)
"I do my lie I sent the item to u when I to ... " (more)ld u I was she is a scammer and very rude stood with my items if I can leave a bad comment I would very wrong bad things happen to bad people god would see to that seller don't send to her she would keep it items and dispute them trust me"
Apr 24th 2015, 2:21:03 PM PDT (almost 10 years ago)
"Horrible seller shipped late and when the ... " (more) package got to me it was shipped in an envelope and stamp the mail man said it was to wide to be shipped like that and wanted me to pay $1.30 more to get the package I said return it then the seller said I lied lisitia gave me my credits back thankfully"
Mar 19th 2015, 7:58:21 AM PDT (almost 10 years ago)