"That makes me happy, and I'm so very glad ... " (more)things worked out. Please come back again as I would like to do business with you. And Thank You."
"Thank you for being so kind and not giving up ... " (more)on me. Your bracelet has been sent but for some reason the "Sent It" button is acting weird so here is the tracking number (9500 1130 0821 6034 2090 44). Thank you once again. Sincerely, Benay (NayChank)"
Feb 4th 2016, 10:19:59 PM PST (almost 9 years ago)
"Please forgive me again for the lateness of yo ... " (more)ur package as this is not a habit of mine. I appreciate the patience you've given me so very much. Your package should arrive by 12/18. You're an awesome listian. "