"A+++ Listian!! An unfortunate car accident inter ... " (more)fered with the auction but a stand-up Listian and someone who I would definitely recommend based on our experience!! Honesty always makes things right....Thanks for everything!! "
"Thank you for this awesome auction and for al ... " (more)l the goodies you sent! I can certainly use them. Can't wait to make some jewelry and keychains for the shelters. Thanks again. Blessings!"
"Thank you so much! You are so sweet to add so ... " (more) many extras and the beads, and earrings. I contacted someone last night who works with another shelter and looks like I may be making stuff for them, so I can definitely use everything. Thanks again! blessings! Linda"
"I'm so glad you're happy! And that's ... " (more) wonderful news about the shelter!! Would love to see pics of what you make. I'll have to send you my email!! I just got home from the hospital, car accident, so give me a couple days!! "
Feb 27th 2016, 12:55:10 PM PST (about 9 years ago)